Siofra redesign
on April 1, 2019
at 12:01 am
Hey! So between now and the comic actually releasing again, I figured I could share some of my process here as well as on Patreon.
I’ve had time to think about the direction the story’s been going and I think a few things need a bit of a shakeup.
Here’s a rough sketch of Siofra’s new design. It still seems a little plain to be honest? but I’ll figure that out.
I hope you’re all having a lovely week!!!

yeah, she doesn’t look like she’s fooling around
I like the hair, but the two sets of ears is weird.
That is definitely an… eclectic look.
HAHA! Oh god this is such a mess. She has a skirt on a knee. And a zipper on a… sash? What is going on!
Needs more belt-buckles!
And something for her face? Fangs? Or a face-mask… a face mask with a beak!
I dread to think what her owl vanguard look like…
When she runs out of swords she just stabs people with the giant pin.