Hey! So I have to apologize that this went up as late as it did. Recovering from Anime Expo took longer than expected, and it’s been very hot in Redwood City. The last couple weeks have been very busy for me, but fortunately everything should be under control, and the schedule should resume as usual.
I want to thank everyone who did drop by our table at AX. It was an…interesting show (x) but it’s always good meeting cool artists, seeing old friends, and making new ones.
I am moving forward on getting an online store put together, so keep an eye out for that in the next couple weeks.
Glad to see you back! It’s too bad I don’t have an unlimited budget and can make it out to all these distant cons.
Keep an eye on this space, man! I’m working on getting a webshop up soon!
Take care of yourself. Well still be here when it’s best for you.